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Età: 48
Esperienza : 30 anni
Lezione di prova gratis
Scuola primaria, Scuola secondaria di primo grado, Scuola secondaria di secondo grado, Tirocinante, Università, Adulti
Lingua di insegnamento: English

Le mie qualifiche

M. Ed. in Educational Administration; MCE (Microsoft Certified Educator) in Technology Literacy for Educators - 21st Century Learning Design; B. A. Ed. (Hons.) Educational Administration (with History and English Language); Certificate in Database Management; TRCN (Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria) Certification; Cambridge International Examinations IGCSE Certification in History

Chi sono

"Say Yes for Children", the expression I love best, defines me to a large extent. I am a Nigerian Speech Facilitator as well as a Senior School Supervisor working in Pastoral Care/ Safeguarding/ Students' Affairs. Having been in education for over twenty years, I have had the honour of working with students in different categories from the Nursery stage to the Adult Education level. In my classes, physical and online, over the years, our focus has been on building knowledge, improving refinement and helping students develop their oratory abilities in a bid to making them champions of public speaking as they prepare for global citizenship/leadership. In addition to licences and certifications (like the TRCN, the MCE and the IGCSE), I have a first as well as a second degree in education from the highly prestigious University of Lagos, an educational institution of world renown which has produced great internationally acclaimed minds. I am a goal-oriented supervisor as well as an educator who's well invested in learning and super interested in it, too. I am absolutely dedicated to learning and my aim is to work with learners so we all collaboratively develop our inner talents/abilities/skills so much so that each day sees us becoming a much better version of ourselves as we build a positive society and fulfil our purpose here on earth. Learning is really important to me and I am grateful for different opportunities to explore different points where education and technology meet. I have volunteered for years (as a teacher and helper) in groups working with young children and teenagers as my overall objective is to be a blessing each day and find relevance in places where making the right kind of lifelong impact will add the needed global value. The honour of working collaboratively to build positive learning situations is never taken for granted as it is one blessing I am always grateful for.


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