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Righi Stefania - Tedesco, Italiano, Inglese tutor


Età: 35
Esperienza : 10 anni
Lezione di prova gratis
Scuola secondaria di primo grado, Scuola secondaria di secondo grado, Tirocinante, Università, Adulti
Lingua di insegnamento: German, English

Le mie qualifiche

• Bachelor Degree in 'Modern and contemporary languages and literatures' - 110 with honours
• Master Degree in 'Languages for the Communication in Companies and International Organisations' - 110/110 with honours
• Post-graduation Course in International Event Management and Public Relations
• International Language Certification English - Cambridge Proficiency Certificate C2
• International Language Certification German - Goethe-Zertifikat C2 : Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom
• International Language Certification Portuguese - DAPLE Certificate C1

Chi sono

Hi everyone :) I am Stefania, an enthusiastic, curious and humorous 33-year-old language teacher living in Bologna. I love travelling, meeting new people, languages and cultures. I am a passionate and charismatic communicator who considers storytelling, listening, sharing and intercultural exchange fundamental. In 2013 I graduated with distinction with a Master's degree in Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication and in 2014 I started working as an international corporate trainer abroad (Portugal and Germany).
To fully exploit my passions and hallmarks, more than 2 years ago I decided to work full time and independently as an online teacher and exam coach for Italian, German and English. The strengths that distinguish me as a teacher are a natural interest in people and open communication, a great ability to adapt to individual needs, goals and characteristics and the promotion of critical thinking through asking questions.
Well, having said that, I hope to get to know you very soon!! :)


Je suis ravi de pouvoir partager mon avis positif sur Stefania, qui m'a appris l'anglais. Elle est tout simplement exceptionnelle. Sa compétence pédagogique est remarquable, et elle possède un don pour expliquer de manière claire et concise les concepts difficiles. Son accessibilité et sa volonté d'aider ses élèves sont remarquables. Ce qui la distingue vraiment, c'est sa personnalité joviale et toujours de bonne humeur. Cela crée une atmosphère d'apprentissage agréable et encourageante, ce qui rend chaque leçon motivante. Elle a su vraiment développer mes capacités communicatives en anglais d'une manière décontractée, loin de l'approche rigide que l'on trouve souvent à l'école. Grâce à elle, j'ai non seulement amélioré mes compétences linguistiques, mais j'ai également acquis une confiance en moi dans ma capacité à communiquer en anglais. Je suis reconnaissante d'avoir eu la chance de l'avoir comme enseignante et je recommande vivement ses cours à quiconque cherche à progresser dans la maîtrise de la langue anglaise. Merci Stefania!
31 Mar’ 24
It was a very big pleasure to learn german with Stefania. She’s very passionate and friendly and each session was a pleasure! She is also an excellent teacher, who understand your need and knows how to motivate!
22 Nov’ 23
Stefania is an excellent teacher, she is able to put you at ease and discuss countless topics, always full of good vibes. If you are ready to work hard and achieve your goals then she is the right person! I strongly recommend her.
28 Ago’ 23
Stefania è una insegnante veramente in gamba, riesce a proporti esercizi specifici per le tue esigenze senza mai annoiarti, anzi aiutandoti a migliorare sempre di più. Grazie a lei sono riuscita a migliorare e soprattutto ho iniziato a conversare in lingua inglese. So che devo studiare ancora molto ma con lei mi sento spronata a farlo. Oltre che brava è anche una simpaticissima insegnante, con lei è un piacere studiare
28 Ago’ 23
Stefania is a great teacher, I took German lesson with her. She is very precise about grammar but at the same time she is flexible when it comes to find "your own way" to learn the language. This is amazing because she can adapt the lesson easily on your needs and really help where you need. She is also super friendly end very open so the lesson always passed by very fast! Can really recommend Stefania to anyone!
25 Ago’ 23


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