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Età: 46
Esperienza : 12 anni
Lezione di prova gratis
Meccanica, Ottica, Termodinamica, Magnetismo, Elettrodinamica, Ingegneria quantistica, Fisica nucleare, Grandezze fisiche, concetti, compiti, Abitur
Scuola secondaria di primo grado, Tirocinante, Università, Adulti
Lingua di insegnamento: German, English, French

Le mie qualifiche

I am Dr. Aouane, a PhD in physics from the Humboldt University of Berlin/Germany with major in Quantum and cosmology physics. I am also IB DP/ IGCSE physics teacher with great passion for teaching as well as for hands-on activities for extended essays and internal assessments projects.
"Great ideas need great passion", this is my motto, I define myself as a person showing the people the beauty of science through excellent teaching and ideal ethics. I love physics and this is easy to see especially while I am teaching my beloved students, and believe me that is quite contagious!!

Chi sono

Even if students strive to get higher and higher grades that means nothing for me because I put burning curiosity and high the drive forward, I strongly believe that the "awakening" of the so-called low achievers may arise at anytime, and the teacher has duty to help this happen. As a teacher I am always there to motivate my students because I know that the road to success is harsh and full with hurdles. In fact, I am a real definition of an international candidate who plays a role model for his students. For me, Physics is way beyond just being a science to be learnt at school, it is a way to see life, a way to comprehend the universe we are living in, I think we need to revolutionize the way we teach science showing its wonderful and peculiar side defying common sense, we need to show that Mathematics is the language of the universe by which nature is trying to talk to us. I always try to "shock" the students by amazing paradoxical lessons like talking about the beginning of the universe, quantum entanglement, Schrödinger's cat...and being a PhD with a very wide background knowledge enabled me to reach first their brains then their hearts showing that 1+1 is NEVER 2!!!


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