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Chandorkar Pranav - Statistica, Matematica tutor


Età: 27
Esperienza : 3 anni
Trigonometria, Geometria, Aritmetica, Algebra, SAT Math Test
Scuola secondaria di primo grado, Scuola secondaria di secondo grado, Tirocinante, Università
Lingua di insegnamento: English, Hindi

Le mie qualifiche

MSc in Applied Actuarial Science, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK (2022 – 2023) • Grade - Distinction • Delivered a presentation on “Applications of Blockchain in Insurance” in Communications module

MSc in Statistics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India (2019 - 2021) • Secured second rank in the University - CGPA 9.8/10 • Taught “Use of Financial Derivatives – Futures and Options” to a group of junior students

BSc in Statistics, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India (2015 – 2018) • Subjects included Statistics, Mathematics and Economics - CGPA 6.91/7

Higher School Secondary (Grade 12), Ruia College, Mumbai, India (2013 – 2015) • Overall grade – 93.69% (Mathematics – 99/100) • Awarded “Prof. Chandrashekhar Paritoshik” for being highest in the college (Science division) in Mathematics subject for the academic year 2014-15 • International Olympiad of Mathematics: Level 2 International rank - 204

Chi sono

I have previously worked as a Subject Matter Expert in Statistics at Chegg India, where I provided detailed solutions to questions posed by a diverse range of students. When I was pursuing my bachelor's degree in Statistics, I had the opportunity to deliver lectures to various groups of junior students. The lectures delivered included topics of “Financial Products – Bonds, Stocks and Mutual Funds” and “Use of Derivatives – Futures and Options”. While teaching these topics, I created real-life examples which the audience could relate to. This made it easy for them to understand the concepts. I also taught the “Monty Hall problem” in an engaging manner. It is a counterintuitive problem, one which is not understood quickly. Hence, I enacted the entire situation to make it interesting. I like to explain things in a way by which I can capture the interest of the audience. It is easier to explain a concept if the audience feels involved and relates to the explanation. My proficiency in mathematics and statistics can be seen from the high grades I obtained in my education. Complemented by my strong communication skills, I believe I am capable of inspiring and educating the next generation of learners.


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