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MENEGATTI Luigi - Biologia, Chitarra classica, Chimica tutor


Età: 64
Esperienza : 3 anni
Lezione di prova gratis
Genetica, Evoluzione, Biologia cellulare, Metabolismo, Immunologia
Chimica analitica
Scuola primaria, Scuola secondaria di primo grado, Scuola secondaria di secondo grado, Tirocinante, Adulti
Lingua di insegnamento: English, Italian

Le mie qualifiche

Maturità Scientifica, Liceo "G.B.Quadri" di Vicenza, 47/60 - 1979 Certificate of qualification to the profession of Biomedical Laboratory Technician, Title equivalent to Bachelor's Degree or Bachelor's Degree, Vicenza, 55/60 – June 1988 Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, University of Padua, 110/110 laude –12 April 2012 Master in Coordination of Health Professions, Unicusano Rome, 110/110 – 12 February 2013 Master's Degree in Technical and Diagnostic Professions, University of Padua, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Padua, 106/110 – 21 October 2014 . Completion of a study - Graduation Thesis - over Clinical Trials Management and PHV pharmacovigilance Teacher Training Course (D.M. 616) at E-Campus University – Certificate September 2022 Master A-15 teaching of health disciplines in secondary schools [ DSI1 ] at E-Campus University; Certificate January 2023 Enrolment and current attendance of studies for C 1 English Language Certification and Computer Science Certification at E-Campus University

Chi sono

For Teaching I use the same method adopted for language learning, avoiding the slavish study of the textbook. Since when, for example, did Latin become a current or spoken language? From the moment in which the use of the language itself was privileged to formulate and listen to discourses in Latin rather than getting lost in rules and grammar. Thus the scientific treatment and the passion for it arises from a direct and practical involvement in what one wishes to learn. I also use the method of narration and metaphor as a tool for change and learning; The power of the metaphor lies in the fact that metaphors allow us to talk about a problem without ever naming it. In this way we surpass the rational mind, changing the unconscious or rather arriving at the deep motivation of knowing. This horizontal passage of knowledge makes it more pleasant, more understandable so that it can be memorized immediately. Starting from the ministerial program, I organize a series of lessons which foresee, after the illustration of the topics of study, a reversal of roles in order to promote the student's proactivity and ability to summarize. The discussion is evenly matched up to the point where any errors need not be corrected. The student learns by listening to the teacher and to himself, with a sort of controlled and creative self-learning. The results prove the effectiveness of the approach adopted and the gratitude of the students crowns my motivations as much as theirs.


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