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Età: 25
Esperienza : 4 anni
Lezione di prova gratis
Scrittura saggistica, Lettura, Inglese britannico
Scuola primaria, Scuola secondaria di primo grado, Scuola secondaria di secondo grado, Università, Adulti
Lingua di insegnamento: English, French

Le mie qualifiche

I'm Lewis, a student from Nottingham, a graduating student of French language and culture at University College London. As part of my degree, I have also just completed a year abroad studying French and comparative literature at Sorbonne Université IV in Paris - so I have plenty of knowledge of everyday French language use!

Chi sono

I'm Lewis, a recently graduated student from Nottingham, a graduating student of French language and culture at University College London. As part of my degree, I have also just completed a year abroad studying French and comparative literature at Sorbonne Université IV in Paris - so I have plenty of knowledge of everyday French language use! In my first year of university I tutored in local primary schools with a charity, and in my final year, I tutored first-year students in the French department. In sixth form I also helped out at a reading and writing club for younger pupils.

I would approach lessons based on the needs of the student above all. I would make worksheets about different aspects of French grammar, if they found this to be beneficial, and I would make activities that could test this knowledge (a useful exercise could be to practice how to conjugate verbs in different tenses, for example). I would also encourage the student to practice speaking and listening skills if they found this helpful. I know that in A-level language speaking exams they often require students to speak about a random topic provided to them in the moment, so to practice I could prepare interesting and relevant topics for us to speak about in tutorials. If the student is studying a literary or filmic text as part of their GCSE or A-level qualification, I would also be very eager to help them deepen their knowledge of the text, improve their analytical skills or essay-writing. I believe that engaging with French culture always helps to improve French language skills.


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