Trova il tuo tutor
Kirill Kirill - Inglese, Russo tutor


Età: 46
Esperienza : 26 anni
Lezione di prova gratis
FCE, EAP (Inglese per scopi accademici), Redazione del CV, Lettura, Fonetica, Inglese commerciale, Inglese britannico, Angloamericano , CAE, IELTS, TOEFL
Scuola primaria, Scuola secondaria di primo grado, Scuola secondaria di secondo grado, Tirocinante, Università, Adulti
Lingua di insegnamento: English, Russian

Le mie qualifiche

PhD in general linguistics CELTA certificate.

Chi sono

I have been teaching English for 24 years. In my work I try to meet my students' goals and adjust to their individual learning styles and interests. I am a devout proponent of the communicative approach, so in my lessons I focus on productive and creative forms of work. I am calm, friendly, well-read, sociable and attentive to detail.


Kirill is a superb English teacher who will help you improve your English language skills from your first session. He taught me over the course of several years and put me in a place where I was able to succeed in English classes at an English-language university. I cannot recommend Kirill highly enough. Kirill ist der beste Englischlehrer, den ich je getroffen habe! Er wird sofort beweisen, warum er von seinen Schülern so geliebt wird.
4 Apr’ 23
Kirill taught me English all throughout my time at school. He is a great teacher and makes sure to use an individualized approach to each student, tailoring to their learning style. The materials Kirill prepares are engaging and diverse. Kirill's approach proved incredibly helpful and I was able to learn a lot during our classes.
28 Mar’ 23
Kirill taught me English for almost 10 years, during which time I was able to greatly improve my level and pass exams at the university. Kirill is very responsible in all classes and finds a personal approach to each student
28 Mar’ 23
I started learning English 4 months ago. Together with Kirill, I upgraded my level from A1 to B1 in 4 months. I am very pleased with how our lessons are going and what progress I have made. He is a great teacher and a wonderful person. And I am happy to continue our cooperation.
27 Mar’ 23
Thanks to Kirill's guidance and expertise, I now feel much more confident in my English language abilities. I highly recommend Kirill to anyone looking for an English tutor who is knowledgeable, patient, and committed to helping you succeed.
24 Mar’ 23


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