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Età: 25
Esperienza : 6 anni
Lezione di prova gratis
EAP (Inglese per scopi accademici), Redazione del CV, Scrittura saggistica, Lettura, Inglese britannico
Scuola secondaria di primo grado, Scuola secondaria di secondo grado
Lingua di insegnamento: English

Le mie qualifiche

As a newly qualified teacher, I am enthusiastic and dedicated to my professional development.

Since starting my training in September I have worked in Wirral Grammar School for Boys and Coop Academy Bebington where I worked alongside expert colleagues to improve my own understanding of how students learn and how to adapt to different ability classes depending on the individual needs of the students. I have had experience teaching both KS3 and KS4 classes in English Language and Literature throughout the course of the year - adapting to the different demographics of each school and planning my lessons around specific needs using student data etc. Working at Coop Academy Bebington has allowed me to shape and craft my pedagogy to support disadvantaged pupils, as 49% of the school population is classified as ‘disadvantaged’, and 20% of the cohort have additional learning needs. This has meant that differentiation is always at the forefront of my lesson planning and has formed my planning for whole-school Literacy. As such, I hold a passion for my subject and a commitment to my career at the center of what I do. I take pride in my dedication to promoting pupil progress both academically and as individual, well-rounded citizens, and this is primarily why I believe that I would be a valuable addition to your company.

In addition, a prevalent strength that has been highlighted throughout Mentor observations in both my ITT placements has been my ability to foster positive, trusting relationships with the students that I teach. I wholeheartedly believe that investing the time to nurture the pupil-teacher relationship and recognising each student as an individual is an essential foundation upon which all informed planning, adaptation, learning, and progress is built.

I also have a Bachelors degree in English Literature.

Chi sono

Throughout my teaching practice, I have continuously strived to develop my teaching to engage all learners; to achieve this I continuously refresh and apply my subject knowledge alongside interactive learning, and inquiry learning and have developed my own ICT skills by attending regular CPD sessions focusing on technology in the classroom. I have also completed CPD on child’s mental health and managing bullying among young people- this I feel is something that is an integral part of being a teacher as protecting children and taking preventative action early on has a significant impact on their experiences.


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