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Età: 41
Esperienza : 6 anni
Lezione di prova gratis
Trigonometria, Geometria, Aritmetica, GMAT Quantitative, Algebra, Matematica tecnica, Algebra lineare, Abaco, Abitur, Calcolo infinitesimale , SAT Math Test
Meccanica, Ottica, Termodinamica, Magnetismo, Elettrodinamica, Ingegneria quantistica, Fisica nucleare, Grandezze fisiche, concetti, compiti, Abitur
Scuola secondaria di primo grado, Scuola secondaria di secondo grado, Tirocinante, Università, Adulti
Lingua di insegnamento: English

Le mie qualifiche

I have a degree in Physics from the University of Bath, TEFL Master (150 hours) online from TEFL online Diploma in Personal Performance Coaching Alevels - Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science

Chi sono

I cover Maths and all sciences at GCSE, (and iGCSE), and Maths and Physics at A-level, and IB. If you ever wished that science was more interesting, or wonder when you would ever use calculus, then you've come to the right place. After graduating with a degree in physics, I worked for the European Space Agency, building satellites that went into space! I am also a qualified coach and mentor, and now work with students and young people to help them achieve great things. Whether that is to pass your exams, or write a fantastic report, I have a wealth of experience - not just in how to get the right answer, but how to help you study better, manage your time so you're not pulling all-nighters, and generally how to be less stressed! I'm very much about empowering you to find the answers yourself - I can correct you as you go, but you will learn far more, and feel much more satisfied when you get the answers yourself! I split my time between the UK and Bermuda, specialising in the International GCSE's & IB's. I cover all exam boards, AQA, Pearson/Edexcel, OCR, IB, CIE and more, and have access to some of the most recent past papers.


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