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Età: 24
Esperienza : 4 anni
Lezione di prova gratis
GCSE English Language , ESOL, Scrittura saggistica, Inglese britannico, IELTS, TOEFL
Scuola primaria, Scuola secondaria di primo grado, Scuola secondaria di secondo grado, Tirocinante, Università, Adulti
Lingua di insegnamento: English

Le mie qualifiche

Teaching English as a Foreign language 200 hour diploma English GCSEs and A Levels Psychology degree

Chi sono

OPEN FOR BOOKINGS FOR ONLINE LESSONS My lessons are all student-centred enabling students to have a key role in the lesson. All of the lessons are led by the students needs analysis which will be conducted in the first sessions and precipitated with regular check-ins of the students needs. For example, the student will share areas they have most difficulty in and this will be incorporated into lesson plans. Additionally, students can bring homework or their own resources to the lesson for support as well as topics for mock exams, for example, a worksheet on verbs and nouns for a class test or understanding the p-value in statistical testing for a mock exam. Each lesson is personalised and tailored to the individual's needs whether that be the student's learning style e.g., a visual learner or specific accommodations for learning needs such as ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. Content centres around the exam board and key curriculum with lessons going above and beyond to give students the best understanding of their subject area and required academic skills. Lessons will cover key concepts and discipline specific information i.e., quotations or theory which will be put into practise through regular exam practise, quizzes and refreshers. As a very experienced tutor who has studied my subject areas in detail and delivered over 2000+ online lessons I pride myself in my dedication, structure and organisation within my tutoring. I have been able to further enhance my expertise from undergoing a 100 hour methodologies course teaching lesson planning, lesson structure, correction techniques and more in both an in person and online context. I focus not only on the fundamentals of the subject area but also on essay technique, how to write academically, how to write objectively vs subjectively and which contexts are appropriate for each, study methods, revision techniques and more My collaborative approach means that the student and I work as a team towards a common goal, for example the student can bring homework or study materials to the lesson if they wish, the student and I would work on a joint document both imparting ideas for an essay, the student and I both share our opinions or ideas about a topic area for example opinions of Freudian psychology or ideas about how An Inspector calls had an impact on the society in the 20th century. I also work alongside parents to schedule lessons, provide feedback and suggestions for students and tips and techniques for parents surrounding revision and study. A little bit about me would be that I love dancing, reading and academics.



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