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Karyn Clack Amelia - Inglese, Educazione prescolare, Afrikaans tutor


Età: 25
Esperienza : 3 anni
Lezione di prova gratis
Fonetica, ESOL, EAP (Inglese per scopi accademici), Redazione del CV, Scrittura saggistica, Lettura, Inglese britannico, IELTS, TOEFL
Scuola dell'infanzia, Scuola primaria, Scuola secondaria di primo grado, Tirocinante, Università
Lingua di insegnamento: Afrikaans, English

Le mie qualifiche

Teaching is my passion! I am a qualified BEd Foundation phase teacher (Bachelor of Education with honors) that specializes in the foundation phase with a qualification (NQF) level of 7, with 1 year and 8 months of experience in the educational system in South Africa in different multicultural schools in the Primary as well as Secondary phases. I have a qualified 120-hour TESOL/TEFL Certificate from the World TESOL Academy and I have experience in independent tutoring with different age groups and cultures in my hometown. I have also completed various other courses to further my educational background and am keen to always learn more and do my best to teach and help others.

Chi sono

Hi I am Teacher Amelia Education is my passion, I have a great love for helping my learners at every level to reach their full potential. My life's motto is "Anyone can, just give your best". I have 1 year and 8 months of experience in different multicultural face-to-face classrooms in South Africa with different age groups. I specialize in the foundation phase subjects. It is important for me to know the differentiation levels of all my learners and thus apply my teaching methods according to their needs to ensure successful learning. I like to offer enjoyable, fun, well-ordered, and creative lessons where it doesn't feel like just learning for my learners, but where they enjoy it and learn through their own needs, manner, and context. In my teaching, I do not want to change the learners or change their learning methods to a norm but want to offer them a safe environment where they can express their culture, context, and needs and thus integrate with the learning and reach their full potential because remember anyone can, there is nothing like never.


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